Can you believe your eyes? A new blog post? I'm sure most people have stopped checking this thing. My girls are definitely keeping me busy these days, but have a rare few moments so I actually made it to the computer to give a short update.
I have gotten a better handle on having 2 kids, but we are constantly running. Brian started a new job in January at Bank of America and with his commute to downtown LA, he has a longer work day than we were used to before. I went back to work (20 hours/week) at the end of December, and there isn't much time to get everything on the "to do" list accomplished. So, the blog kind of gets put on the back burner. Even though we are busy, we have had some time for fun. Mckenzie is now 8.5 months old and is a chunker! She has finally started sleeping through the night thanks to sleep training. It was so hard to start it, but it worked like a charm and we are a much happier family now that mom and dad are getting a full night of sleep! Addie had her 3rd birthday in March and is still talking about her princess party! Life has been busy, but we are so blessed to have 2 fun girls to keep it that way!
Cinderella very excited about her gifts!

Party wouldn't be complete without a pinata!

Cinderella wasn't the only princess at the party. Belle, Tinkerbell, and Mulan also made appearances!

And here is the AMAZING cake my MOM made for Addie!! She took a cake decorating class and really outdid herself!!! It took 6 cake mixes and LOTS AND LOTS of hours of decorating. I don't think I can top it next year for Addie's 4th birthday!

Can you believe how chunky this girl has gotten?

She is such a happy baby!

Can't believe she has had already hit 8 months!